Juan Felipe Herrera, American Poet
(1948 - )

Just the Facts:
  • Name: Juan Felipe Herrera
  • Birth: December 27, 1948, Fowler, California, USA
  • Language: English
  • Who he is: American poet; Calling the Doves / Canto a Las Palomas; CrashBoomLove: A Novel in Verse; Grandma & Me at the Flea / Los Meros Meros Remateros; Super Cilantro Girl / La SuperniƱa del Cilantro; Poet Laureate of the USA (2015 - )

Let's consider this a placeholder as I build out the site.
Once that's done, I'll be back to fill in the details--an essay,
links to online and Amazon books, and more. I'll be posting
updates on Facebook and Twitter. Follow along!

Until I get to it, there's always Wikipedia!

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